SPNS Transgender Women of Color Initiative Intervention Manuals

Innovative models for linking and retaining transgender women of color in HIV care, developed by a SPNS multi-site demonstration project.

Manuals were developed under the HRSA SPNS Transgender Women of Color Initiative, which funded nine demonstration states. Sites developed innovative interventions to improve timely entry, engagement and retention in quality HIV care for transgender women of color living with HIV who:

  • Are infected with HIV but unaware of their status
  • Are aware of their status but have never been engaged in care
  • Are aware but have refused referral to care
  • Have dropped out of care


  • Hotton AL, Perloff J, Paul J, Parker C, Ducheny K, Holloway T, Johnson AK, Garofalo R, Swartz J, Kuhns LM. Patterns of Exposure to Socio-structural Stressors and HIV Care Engagement Among Transgender Women of Color. AIDS Behav. 2020 Nov;24(11):3155-3163. doi: 10.1007/s10461-020-02874-6. PMID: 32335760. PubMed Abstract.  Full Text .
  • Hirshfield S, Contreras J, Luebe RQ, Swartz JA, Scheinmann R, Reback CJ, Fletcher JB, Kisler KA, Kuhns LM, Molano LF. Engagement in HIV Care Among New York City Transgender Women of Color: Findings from the Peer-Led, TWEET Intervention, a SPNS Trans Women of Color Initiative. AIDS Behav. 2019 Sep 13. doi: 10.1007/s10461-019-02667-6. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 31520240. PubMed Abstract.  Full Text .
  • Nemoto T, Iwamoto M, Suico S, Stanislaus V, Piroth K. Sociocultural Contexts of Access to HIV Primary Care and Participant Experience with an Intervention Project: African American Transgender Women Living with HIV in Alameda County, California. AIDS Behav. 2020 Jan 10. doi: 10.1007/s10461-019-02752-w. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 31925609. PubMed Abstract. Full Text .
  • Wilson EC, Turner C, Arayasirikul S, Woods T, Tryon J, Franza K, Lin R. HIV Care Engagement Among Trans Women of Color in San Francisco Bay Area Demonstration Projects: Findings from the Brandy Martell Project and TransAccess. AIDS Behav. 2019 Oct 16. doi: 10.1007/s10461-019-02697-0. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 31620900. PubMed Abstract.  Full Text .
  • Sevelius J, Chakravarty D, Neilands TB, Keatley J, Shade SB, Johnson MO, Rebchook G; & HRSA SPNS Transgender Women of Color Study Group. Evidence for the Model of Gender Affirmation: The Role of Gender Affirmation and Healthcare Empowerment in Viral Suppression Among Transgender Women of Color Living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, e-published online May 29, 2019. Abstract available from: PubMed Abstract.
  • Swartz JA, Ducheny K, Holloway T, Stokes L, Willis S, & Kuhns LM. A Latent Class Analysis of Chronic Health Conditions Among HIV-Positive Transgender Women of Color. AIDS and Behavior, e-published online May 29, 2019. Abstract available from: PubMed Abstract.
  • Kuhns LM, Hotton AL, Perloff J, Paul J, Parker C, Muldoon AL, Johnson AK, & Garofalo R. Evaluation of Translife Care: An Intervention to Address Social Determinants of Engagement in HIV Care Among Transgender Women of Color. AIDS and Behavior, e-published AIDS and Behavior, June 5, 2019. Abstract available from: PubMed Abstract.
  • Reback CJ, Kisler KA, and Fletcher JB. A Novel Adaptation of Peer Health Navigation and Contingency Management for Advancement Along the HIV Care Continuum Among Transgender Women of Color. AIDS and Behavior, e-published online June 11, 2019. Abstract available from: PubMed Abstract.
  • Reback CJ, Rünger D, and Fletcher JB. Drug Use is Associated with Delayed Advancement Along the HIV Care Continuum Among Transgender Women of Color. AIDS and Behavior, e-published online June 11, 2019. Abstract available from: PubMed Abstract.
  • Eastwood, E.A., Nace, A.J., Hirshfield, S. et al. Young Transgender Women of Color: Homelessness, Poverty, Childhood Sexual Abuse and Implications for HIV Care. AIDS Behav (2019). Abstract available from: PubMed Abstract.
  • Galvan FH, Chen YT, Contreras R, & O'Connell B. Violence Inflicted on Latina Transgender Women Living with HIV: Rates and Associated Factors by Perpetrator Type. AIDS and Behavior, e-published online Dec 6, 2019. PubMed Abstract.
  • Cunningham, W, Ford, C, Kinsler, J, Seiden, D, Andrews, L, Nakazono, T, Bell, D. Effects of a Laboratory Health Information Exchange Intervention on Antiretroviral Therapy Use, Viral Suppression, and Racial/Ethnic Disparities. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, July 1, 2017 [E-published ahead of print]. PubMed Abstract
  • Wilson, E, Turner, C, Arayasirikul, S, Woods, T, Nguyen, Lin R, Franza, K, Tryon, J, Nemoto, T, Iwamoto, M. Housing and income effects on HIV-related health outcomes in the San Francisco Bay Area – findings from the SPNS transwomen of color initiative. AIDS Care, June 19, 2018 [E-published ahead of print]. PubMed Abstract
  • Reback, C, Runger, D, Fletcher, J. Physical and/or Sexual Abuse Are Associated with Negative Health Outcomes Among Transgender Women of Color Living with HIV. Violence and Gender, June 18, 2018 [E-published ahead of print].
  • Rebchook G, Keatley J, Contreras R, Perloff J, Molano LF, Reback CJ, Ducheny K, Nemoto T, Lin R, Birnbaum J, Woods T, Xavier J; and the SPNS Transgender Women of Color Study Group. The Transgender Women of Color Initiative: Implementing and Evaluating Innovative Interventions to Enhance Engagement and Retention in HIV Care. American Journal of Public Health, February 2017; 107 (2): 224-229. PubMed Abstract


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SPNS Transgender Women of Color Initiative
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