Staffing and Sustainability - Strategies to Improve Hiring and Retention of Staff at Your ASO/CBO

Hiring and retention strategies that support long-term success and viability of AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and their missions.

Review of staff turnover at agencies and its financial impact.

A review of characteristics of the HIV workforce, shortages, and challenges in hiring.

Ideas for recruiting and hiring, particularly to increase staff diversity.

Suggested culturally competent interview strategies and ideas for retaining staff once hired.

The responsibilities of leaders, characteristics of unskilled leaders, and what makes HIV agency leadership difficult.

Characteristics of individual and group leadership.

Characteristics of stress and how to manage it in the workplace.

This webinar was led by Chaim Shmulewitz (Project Manager) and Kristin Potterbusch, MPH (Program Director), both with the HRSA funded National TA & Training Center for Ryan White Sustainable Strategies, by the Primary Care Development Corporation (PCDC). Presenters included Jules Barnes, Principal, Same Boat Consulting and Brandon Harrison, Senior Project Manager, High Impact Prevention (HIP) in Health Care, PCDC. 

This resource was developed by

Primary Care Development Corporation (PCDC)

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