LAIs can be a game-changer for ending the HIV epidemic. It is important for Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Jurisdictions to consider how they can increase up take of LAIs as an important new tool for HIV treatment and identify and overcome potential barriers to access for hardest to reach populations.
Attendees will learn more about the efficacy of LAIs and hear from medical professionals and patients who have successfully navigated using LAIs.
By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:
Discuss the current science of LAIs for HIV treatment
Review patient and provider challenges and success stories with LAIs
Consider how EHE jurisdictions can increase uptake of LAIs without increasing health disparities
Identify training and TA needs and resources
Webinar Sections
Why Long-acting Injectables (LAIs), Evidence for LAIs (8:35)
An overview of potential advantages, the FDA approved LAI therapy, where are we now, demographics of trials, where are we going, how to avoid increasing health disparities.
Steps to Successful Implementation (22:26)
An overview of three patient perspectives.
Implementation Barriers and Facilitators (28:06)
An overview of experiences from South Florida
Panel Discussion (38:54)
Doctors discuss where they want to be in a year with injectables, and how EHE jurisdictions can help in that regard. How to increase the uptake of LAIs, while not increasing health disparities.
Readiness Assessment (49:06)
An overview of what clinics and jurisdictions can do.
Closing and Evaluation (52:37)
TAP-in Technical Assistance Offerings, How to Request TA, and closing.