CQII National Quality Improvement Challenge: Celebrating 20 Years of QI Journeys

The Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) has invested in clinical quality management efforts to improve patient care, health outcomes, and patient satisfaction under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) over the past two decades, including funding innovative ideas within the Center for Quality Improvement & Innovation (CQII). CQII has provided technical assistance and quality improvement (QI)-based training to RWHAP-funded recipients and subrecipients across the United States since 1994.

To celebrate this milestone and recognize the many QI successes of RWHAP-funded recipients, CQII invites recipients and their subrecipients across the RWHAP Parts A through D to participate in a national QI challenge designed to highlight QI achievements, goals, and stories, large or small.

Submissions will be accepted through early summer 2024.

  • WHAT: Showcase your QI journey by submitting brief details and an image describing a recent QI project or future goal.
  • Examples:

    • A completed QI tool
    • A Run Chart with data from a recent QI project *
    • A qualitative finding based on staff or/patient interviews*
    • Use of a QI resource in local clinical quality management activities
    • Plans for a first or innovative new QI project
    • Inclusion of people with lived experience a patient as a QI team member

    * We ask that any data is both de-identified and contextualized as much as possible – for example: Instead of “Our aim is to have an additional 137 patients become virally suppressed by June 2024!” please add “Our aim is to have an additional 137 (of a total 2740) patients virally suppressed by June 2024!”

  • WHO: All RWHAP Parts A through D recipients and their subrecipients can participate
  • WHY: Celebrate the success of HIV care and treatment nationally, and be recognized by peers for your QI work. Submissions will be featured on the TargetHIV website once the submission window closes in summer 2024
Choose a 5-10 word headline summarizing your QI goal or accomplishment. Examples: “Peer program reduces loss to care rate by 20%; Our goal is to hire a quality improvement manager by March 2024!”
Enter your City, State (e.g. San Francisco, CA)
Please add an image that exemplifies your headline and project, and describe it in a sentence. Examples: “Above is our data from March to April showing a decrease in loss to care by 20%; Here is our QI team from 2023”
Any images not adhering to the guidelines below will not be accepted:
1. Images cannot be copyrighted material or from the internet – they must be taken by your organization.
2. Images cannot include children or patients in clinical areas.
Maximum 5 files.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, .
4 MB limit per form.
In order for your submission to be shared on the TargetHIV page, you must complete and sign the photo release form attached here. Download Release Form