This webinar will cover the basics of creating an XML file for the ADR with TRAX and common issues grant recipients may encounter in preparing the client-level data file.

Webinar Sections

Introduction (0:00)

Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, outline of webinar

Overview of TRAX (2:54)

Overview of what TRAX is and why ADAPs may choose to use it to create the client level XML

Steps for Using TRAX (4:16)

Step-by-step overview of using TRAX, including an overview of creating an ADR Crosswalk, ADR TRAX resources available on TargetHIV, and a CHEX demo

TRAX Demo (16:30)

Live demo of how to use TRAX

Data Security & TA Resources (25:48)

Review of data security tips and Technical Assistance (TA) resources available to ADAPs

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team

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