Addressing Opiate Use through Practice Transformation: Implementing Dashboard Reports to Improve Panel-Based Care

The U.S. opioid epidemic has significant impact on rates of overdose deaths among people with HIV. The aim of the project was to leverage the PDSA methodology to enhance a population-based, health information technology, intervention to facilitate the identification and panel management of high-risk clients with opioid use disorder.

Collaboration is Key: Working Together to End the HIV Epidemic (EHE)

Joining forces to End the HIV epidemic, the Northeast/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center worked across our diverse region to increase access to HIV care and prevention through a community-driven approach. Regional partners throughout our Region II jurisdiction collaborated to strengthen HIV testing, PrEP, viral suppression, and structural competency.

Get READI! Outcomes from 2 years of rapid ART services at a county hospital system

Harris Health System began its Rapid Eligibility and ART Dissemination & Implementation (READI) program in 2019. Here, we present two years of data that examine linkage to care, ART initiation, viral loads, completion of medical visits, and demographics for patients who received READI services and those who did not.

Implementing an HIV Ambulatory Curriculum in Internal Medicine Residency Programs

The Yale AIDS program developed a three-hour HIV ambulatory workshop for graduate medical education programs. This interactive curriculum showed that it improved the knowledge, skills and attitude of trainees in HIV testing, management, and PrEP. This curriculum has the potential to be dessiminated to other residency programs.

Innovating HIV Training & Technical Assistance with Educational Technology

NECA AETC has expanded training and TA to address diverse learners and asynchronous educational needs with innovative technology, including the Rise platform, podcasting, mobile apps for clinical guides, MIRO, and Airtable. This presentation will include live demonstrations and interactive activities, highlighting flexible modalities for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.