How-to tools and templates for planning and conducting focus groups with people with HIV as part of RWHAP Part A needs assessment.
The set includes an overview of focus groups and steps for implementation, a sample participant consent form, a focus group planning template, a sample focus group recruitment plan, a sample focus group discussion guide, a sample demographics questionnaire for participants, an outline for a focus group report, and links to focus group materials from the field.
This resource provides a detailed overview for conducting focus groups. It defines focus groups, their importance in RWHAP Part A needs assessment, and their benefits and limitations. It spells out focus groups logistics and details steps for planning and conducting a successful focus group, including tips for virtual focus groups.
This sample consent form for focus group participants provides a starting point that can be tailored for the Part A jurisdiction.
This template lists key planning steps with a work plan and timeline for organizing and conducting focus groups.
This resource provides an example of a detailed plan for recruiting participants for Part A focus groups looking to engage representatives of specific subpopulations.
This sample discussion guide provides a script for focus group facilitators, covering welcome and forms (consent, questionnaire), focus group purpose and guidelines, discussion questions for participants, and closing remarks.
Focus group participants are often asked to fill out an anonymous demographics questionnaire with the results used to show the diversity and representativeness of participants. This sample questionnaire is editable to fit local needs.
This outline lists key sections and contents to include in a report on Part A focus groups and findings from them.
Links are provided to focus group reports and a recruitment flyer from Part A jurisdictions around the country.