Anal Cancer Screening: Multidisciplinary Approaches and Impactful Outcomes

Presentation Event
2022 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
University of Virginia and ANCHOR Study
Maria Geba, Laura Quass-Ferdinand, Yvonne Newberry, Joel Palefsky, John McFeely

From Bench to Bedside: Integrating Anal Cancer Screening for People with HIV in Light of the ANCHOR Study (20876)

Speakers: Joel Palefsky, John McFeely

Hear a summary of the results of the Anal Cancer/HSIL Outcomes Research (ANCHOR) Anal Cancer Prevention Study, which ended in September 2021 due to the primary scientific question being answered. In sum, active treatment of HSIL or high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in adults with HIV over 35 years old helps to prevent anal cancer, and the study sponsors and ANCHOR investigators recommend this as a standard of care for people with HIV who have HSIL. The presentation of study results will be followed by a panel discussion on the challenges of implementing these study results at the outpatient clinical level and the logistics required to ensure equitable access to HSIL screening and treatment for underserved communities.

Experience of Anal Cancer Screening in a RWHAP Clinic (20434)

Speakers: Maria Geba, Laura Quass-Ferdinand, Yvonne Newberry, Tania Thomas

Anal cancer screening can prevent anal cancer in people with HIV. In this panel discussion, we will highlight the multidisciplinary approach to screening, our work in constructing the care cascade predictors of engagement, and the importance of consumer voices in guiding the approach to screening services.

Event Details

2022 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Population-Based Approaches for Improving Access, Engagement / Reengagement, and Health Outcomes

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