Community Planning in Response to the Needs of Older People with HIV

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Graham Harriman, Scott Spiegler, Sarah Kozlowski

New York City EMA staff will present their work with older people with HIV, including planning efforts, focus group results, and first steps toward building best practices and developing a model of care for older people with HIV in urban settings.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the unique challenges and opportunities for wellness and prevention among older people with HIV in New York City and in urban settings in general.
  2. Describe the gaps in service provision for older people with HIV in New York City.
  3. Contribute to the national development of best practices in the delivery of care and support services to meet specific needs of older people with HIV.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Innovative System-level Models for HIV Service Delivery

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