The Emotional Toll Experienced by HIV Care Workers

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
University Health System
Daniel Pineda, Nancy Vasquez, Tanya Khalfan-Mendez

Managing the needs of people with HIV can be difficult and intensive. The importance of caring for oneself is often overlooked by program staff and can threaten their well-being. Staff who provide non-medical case management and assistance in finding employment and housing were interviewed to determine key areas of concern.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the emotional effects of intensive case management on program staff.
  2. Describe the coping methods and self-care techniques in use by program staff.
  3. Understand the concept of secondary trauma and means of protecting oneself from its effects.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Population-Based Approaches for Improving Access, Engagement/Reengagement, and Health Outcomes

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