HIV Practitioner Burnout Panel

Presentation Event
2022 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Clinical Conference
Emory University
Nadine J. Kaslow, PhD

List of strategies HIV practitioners and organizations can use to better take care of themselves, avoid burnout, and be resilient.

Panelists: Jill Blumenthal, MD, MAS, University of California San Diego (San Diego, CA); Lisa C. Navracruz, MD, Neighborhood Family Practice (Cleveland, OH); Michelle D. Ogle, MD, Warren-Vance Community Health Center (Henderson, NC), Einstein College (Bronx, NY); Amy Davis, MD, MPH, St. Mary's Family Medicine (Grand Junction, CO); Michael S. Saag, MD, University of Alabama (Birmingham, AL).

Event Details

2022 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Clinical Conference

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