Plenary: Innovation (Ending the HIV Epidemic, National HIV/AIDS Strategy)

Presentation Event
2022 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Heather Hauck, Alex Keuroghlian, Jill York, Larry Zayas Rivera, Harold Phillips

Heather Hauck, MSW, LICSW, Deputy Associate Administrator, HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration (Moderator)

Applying the HIV/AIDS Bureau Implementation Science Framework
Alex Keuroghlian, MD, MPH, Director of Education and Training Programs, The Fenway Institute;Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School (02:56)
Dr. Keuroghlian reviewed the HIV/AIDS Bureau's Implementation Science Framework's three components (evidence-based, evidence-informed, and emerging interventions). Keuroghlian focused on evidence-informed interventions and the approach and products generated under HRSA's E2i initiative, which focused on HIV care in four areas: transgender women, Black men who have sex with men, behavioral health, and trauma-informed care. A newly launched HRSA initiative, 2iS, will focus on emerging interventions in four areas: incarceration experience, LGBTQ+ youth, substance use disorder, and telehealth.

From Idea to Impact: Using a Trauma-informed Approach in a Dental Setting
Jill A. York, DDS, MAS, Professor, Department of Community Health Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey School of Dental Medicine (21:05)
Dr. York presented on using a trauma-informed approach in a dental setting. York described a trauma-informed care approach that was framed under a medical home model and developed with five principles: collaborative/mutual respect;safety/consistency and predictability in service delivery;removal of bias;trust;and client empowerment. York provided case studies to demonstrate how care delivery can be modified with a trauma-informed mindset along with the performance improvement elements that put the model into practice.

Clinica Translucent
Larry Zayas Rivera, Translucent Project Manager, Centro Ararat (33:23)
Mr. Rivera reviewed the organization's status-neutral approach to care for people of transgender experience. This approach engages people into care with attention to their overall health versus a clear segmentation into HIV care or prevention services. He described the outreach activities taken to build relationships with the community (e.g., alliance with performers at clubs and training them on messaging) and specific engagement efforts, like social media and a series of digital workshops to retain clients in care and build a sense of community.

Event Details

2022 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment

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