Using Trauma-Informed Care to Reach, Revive, and Restore

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Rutgers Infectious Disease Practice
Sandra Haim, Jamila Hughley, Jordan Delfyette, Khloyei Galloway

Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) can help clinical and social programs adopt a culture of safety, healing, and empowerment. It can provide a framework for working more effectively with vulnerable populations experiencing HIV. This interactive session will introduce participants to the practical aspects of TIC interventions.

Learning Objectives

  1. Define trauma-informed care and identify practical approaches to implementation in clinical programs.
  2. Identify internal resources to develop and implement support groups for youth transgender women and those with co-occurring disorders who experience HIV.
  3. Describe how working from a trauma-informed lens can empower youth transgender women and those with co-occurring disorders in HIV prevention and treatment.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Population-Based Approaches for Improving Access, Engagement/Reengagement, and Health Outcomes

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