Utilizing a Social Science Framework to Guide Development and Implementation of a Status-Neutral Needs Assessment

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Maryland Department of Health
Fernando Mena-Carrasco, Vanessa Lathan, Victoria Cargill, Cyd Lacanienta, Kemahn Jones, Rachel Viqueira, Christopher Stuckey, Nicole Richmond

Assessment of needs of people with HIV through broad-based community engagement is a tenet of the Ryan White planning process. The Baltimore EMA Planning Council developed a status-neutral survey targeting 1,100 persons. Modified Data Mapping supported community-based survey development by simplifying complex processes and creating transparent iterative processes of stakeholder engagement.

Learning Objectives

  1. Explain the Modified Data Mapping Process for public health needs assessment.
  2. Describe the matrix-based social science framework developed to lead stakeholders through the modified Data Mapping process for public health needs assessment purposes.
  3. Describe the iterative foundational processes to engage stakeholders in developing a needs assessment survey ensuring transparency and continued engagement.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
RWHAP Planning and Resource Allocation: Community Engagement and Collaborative Partnerships

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