Outcome Measures by Race/Ethnicity

This screen (see Figure 8) displays viral suppression or retention in care by client’s race/ethnicity. When the screen first loads, it displays the most recent national data for viral suppression among White clients. Select a different race/ethnicity from the dropdown menu to change the display.

Figure 8

  1. Summary Information
    This block contains key contextual information for the selected race or ethnicity.

    • Percent of Client Population: The percentage of clients that identify as the selected race/ethnicity.

    • At or Below Federal Poverty Level (FPL): The percentage of clients living at or below 100% FPL for the selected race/ethnicity.

    • No Health Care Coverage: The percentage of clients with no health care coverage for the selected race/ethnicity.

    • Unstable Housing: The percentage of clients with unstable housing for the selected race/ethnicity.

    • Outcome Measure: The percentage of clients that meet the selected outcome measure for the selected race/ethnicity.

  2. Outcome Measure by Year
    The magenta trend line shows the selected outcome measure over a five-year period for the selected race/ethnicity category. A trend line for the national data for all race/ethnicity categories is plotted in dark blue for comparison.

  3. Outcome Measure by Race/Ethnicity
    This bar chart shows the outcome measure (i.e., viral suppression or retention in care) by race/ethnicity categories. 

  4. Outcome Measure by Gender
    This bar chart shows the outcome measure (i.e., viral suppression or retention in care) by gender for the selected race/ethnicity category. 

  5. Outcome Measure by Age
    This bar chart shows the outcome measure (i.e., viral suppression or retention in care) by age for the selected race/ethnicity category. 

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