Resource Allocation: Guidelines, Emerging Practices, and Innovation

Resource allocation is an essential step in planning the optimal use of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) funds by assigning awarded RWHAP resources to prioritized service categories. Resource allocation is informed by identifying and prioritizing unmet needs, and selecting service categories that can best meet those priorities. Through resource allocation, RWHAP funds are assigned to priority services in order to best meet local HIV care and treatment needs.

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program mandates that both Part A and Part B recipients conduct a priority setting and resource allocation process. That should incorporate a wide range of representatives and stakeholders, including those who reflect the epidemic in their jurisdiction. During this webinar, presenters from the Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning Technical Assistance Center described key definitions and requirements for resource allocation, and effective resource allocation processes including tips, strategies, and resources.

Representatives from the Philadelphia Office of HIV Planning and the Virginia Department of Health presented their strategies for optimizing resource allocation approaches in their jurisdictions. 

Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning Technical Assistance Center

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