Blueprints for Success: A Virtual Conference for HIV Providers

Sessions on building the organizational sustainability of AIDS Service Organizations and community based organizations.

Ideas for ASOs/CBOs to change the way they do business (e.g, establish new partnerships). Download the slides.

Review of the Ryan White CBO business model; innovations in CBO planning; barriers to sustainability; sustainability and the financial implications of reimbursable grants; and lessons learned in staying true to your mission. Download the slides.


Review of changes in healthcare financing from Ryan White grant funding to billable visits and what to do to make the transition (e.g., who needs to be on your team, setting up a billing process). Session also reviews COVID-19 billing. Download the slides.

Insights on "behind the scenes" billing techniques; what is needed to have a successful front desk and billing office; the importance of denial management in maintaining consistent cash flow; how to remove the barriers to getting paid in a timely manner; and understanding payer contracts. Download the slides.

Review of factors influencing access to and quality of HIV care for women with HIV in the U.S.; barriers to their meaningful involvement in their care; and strategies and tools for agencies to improve care for their clients. Download the slides.


Review of HIV-related substance use surveillance reports; key principles regarding substance use disorder treatment; SUD treatment and HIV care. The session also brainstormed ways to increase agency capacity to address substance use. Download the slides.


This resource was developed by

Primary Care Development Corporation (PCDC)

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