CAREWare File Downloads and Uploads

Instructions for downloading files for import into CAREWare, including Performance Measure files and Provider Report files.

CAREWare Performance Measure Files

Below for download is the final set of performance measures for import into CAREWare. Each file contains the main measure plus all the disparity files broken down by age, race/ethnicity, and gender.  See the description of the fields used to calculate these measures.

Send feedback on the performance measures to John Milberg or Marlene Matosky.

  • Main Core Measures. Core performance measure files include: Core01 - HIV viral load suppression; Core02 - Prescription of HIV antiretroviral therapy; Core03 - Visit frequency; and Core04 - Gap in visits
  • Strata. Performance measure strata files include: Race/Ethnicity: Black, Hispanic, White, and Other (including missing and unknown race/ethnicity); Gender: Male, Female, and Transgender; and Age (years): 0-12; 13-18; 19-24; 25-34; 35-44; 45-54; 55-64; and 65 and older. Note: For ease of identification and sorting, each measure is assigned a specific code.  

Steps for Adding the Performance Measure Files to CAREWare

  • You can delete the previously imported core measure and disparity stratifications. Simply select the measure and hit delete. Or use the F7 function key.
  • DOWNLOAD the XML file(s) (below) by RIGHT CLICKING THE FILE and selecting “save link as.” Place the file in an easy-to-find location.
  • Next, go into the Performance Measures module in CAREWare and Select F10 Load from file (advanced).
  • Now point to the file that you just downloaded and import that file into CAREWare.
  • Run the measures and make sure they are accurate.

CAREWare Provider Report Files

Listed below are files that users will need to create a zip code CSV file for upload with their RSR provider reports.

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