ConnQuer HCV Educational Resources

Yale University School of Medicine, SPNS HCV Cure among People of Color with HIV

CONNQuer: Connecticut Quantification, Evaluation, and Response: HIV/HCV Elimination in Persons of Color

These resources were developed under the SPNS project Curing Hepatitis C among People of Color Living with HIV.

ConnQuER HepC App - Educational and Care Companion Resource

The ConnQuER HepC mobile app is designed to educate patients, their families, and non-clinical staff about hepatitis C and to foster more efficient conversations between patients and health care providers. 

The app is organized as a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) with answers. After each FAQ, users are presented with a quiz question to test their understanding.

Educational Videos: Methadone Referrals Demystified: A Patient’s Journey into Methadone Treatment

This four-part video series features diverse patients and providers describing their experiences with substance dependence and methadone treatment. Each video is 9-13 minutes long and covers the process from referral to entry info care, stigma, and treatment.


  • Chapter 1: Getting Started (13:07)
    • The first chapter describes referral processes to the methadone clinics, as well as stigma and misconceptions around methadone.
  • Chapter 2: Transition to Treatment (Part 1) (9.41)
    • Second video of the 4 -video series "Methadone Referrals Demystified. A Patient's Journey into the Methadone Treatment" describes the admission process, the physical examination and the struggles patients face during their first 90 days of treatment. 
  • Chapter 3: Transition to Treatment (Part 2) (8:59)
    • Counseling services and counseling options.
  • Chapter 4: First Dose and Next Steps (9:42)
    • The final video describes methadone dosing and urine screening and the processes around take-home bottle privileges and around dose adjustments.

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