Imagine: Ending HIV. It's Possible.

CAI’s Technical Assistance Provider-innovation network (TAP-in) launched Imagine: Ending HIV. It's Possible, a national campaign to showcase how RWHAP leaders at every level have been innovating and using novel approaches and strategies to achieve the goal of ending the HIV epidemic.

The kick-off webinar was hosted for EHE jurisdictions, RWHAP providers, quality improvement staff, and people with lived experience. The campaign toolkit is now available on TargetHIV for jurisdiction leaders, their teams, and partners and includes video testimonials of successful strategies for Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE), fact sheets about using data strategically and leveraging small wins for big impact, EHE talking points, shareable social media graphics and posts, and much more.

Webinar Sections

Agenda (00:47)

An overview of the agenda including the campaign goals and objectives, tools and resources, Philadelphia’s Model for Radical Customer Service, and Q&A.

Campaign Goals, Objectives, and Audiences (3:04)

An overview of the communications campaign goal and objectives.

Toolkit Resources (4:46)

Overview of the toolkit resources including the campaign hashtag: #ImagineEndingHIV

Imagine Campaign Video and Philly’s Model for Radical Customer Service Video (8:05)

Question and Answer Period (14:31)

TAP-in is available to help by supporting with partnership building and data sharing.

Closing Evaluation (43:59)

TAP-in Technical Assistance Offerings, How to Request TA, and closing.

Part of Collection

This resource was developed by

Technical Assistance Provider Innovation Network (TAP-in)

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