Making the Case with Data: Epidemiologic Snapshots, Resource Inventories, and Needs Assessments

Integrated planning is a vehicle for jurisdictions to identify HIV prevention and care needs, existing resources, and barriers and gaps to accessing services, as well as local strategies to address them. Jurisdictions are expected to use qualitative and quantitative data to describe the impact of HIV in their communities, and to develop goals and objectives based on the best available data.

This is the second session of our Integrated Planning Webinar and Peer Learning Series, which is focused on Section III of the Integrated Plan Guidance - Contributing Data Sets and Assessments. During the webinar, the IHAP TAC team:

  • Reviewed the relationship between Section III of the Guidance and CDC and HRSA requirements for conducting an HIV needs assessment
  • Demonstrated use of the HIV Resources Inventory Compiler, a new tool from the IHAP TAC. This resource supports the collection and analysis of information about HIV funding in the jurisdiction. The Excel tool generates a formatted table for inclusion in the Integrated Plan submission and a dashboard for data analysis.

Guest speakers shared New Hampshire's approach to completing its HIV needs assessment.  

Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning Technical Assistance Center

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