Long-Acting HIV Treatment Demonstrates Efficacy in People with Challenges Taking Daily Medicine as Prescribed


From NIAID News (via HIV.gov)

Long-acting antiretroviral therapy (ART) with cabotegravir and rilpivirine was superior in suppressing HIV replication compared to daily oral ART in people who had been unable to maintain viral suppression through an oral daily regimen, according to interim data from a randomized trial. Upon review of these findings, an independent Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) recommended halting randomization and inviting all eligible study participants to take long-acting ART. Read more.

Use our new search engine to find our resources on long-acting (and long acting) ART, featuring Long-Acting Injectables for HIV Antiretroviral Therapy, from the HRSA-funded the TAP-in technical assistance project for Ending the HIV Epidemic jurisdictions. 


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