Clinical Aspects of Buprenorphine Therapy

In this webinar, clinicians from two Ryan White clinics with successful buprenorphine programs describe what buprenorphine is and how it works. Also addressed:

  • What opioids do to the brain
  • How Buprenorphine differs from Methadone
  • Important drug-drug interactions
  • The concept of precipitated withdrawal and how to recognize it
  • How to determine patient eligibility
  • Clinical aspects of working with opioid-addicted people living with HIV


  • Pamela Vergara-Rodriguez, MD, (CORE Center in Chicago)
  • Jacqueline Tulsky, MD (University of California at San Francisco and San Francisco General Hospital)

Learn more about integrating buprenorphine into HIV primary care settings. Visit the Integrating HIV Innovative Practices webpage.

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