Community Health Workers Improve Viral Load Suppression in Non-Treatment Adherent Populations to End the Epidemic

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
East Carolina University - Adult Specialty Clinic
LaWanda Todd, LaSean Hutcherson, Diane Campbell, Peter Williams

Community Health Workers (CHWs) were added to the care team to work with clients with poor treatment adherence and not viral load suppression (VLS). Clients benefited from CHW services that contributed to VLS in over 50% of the clients assigned to them. CHWs are vital in ending the epidemic in challenging client populations

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify services provided by CHWs that can improve linkage and retention in care.
  2. Incorporate CHWs into an existing treatment adherence or care team.
  3. Recognize the CHWs' unique role in providing various types of support to those living with HIV infection.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Population-Based Approaches for Improving Access, Engagement/Reengagement, and Health Outcomes

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