Innovative, Integrated Care: Two Unique Deliveries of Telepsychiatry Services

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin/Rocky Mountain CARES
Nick Harper, Angelique Lewis, Sarah Schwenk

Telepsychiatry has proven to provide better access and higher-quality care to patients who need psychiatric care as well as for those who have varying circumstances that make it difficult to engage in this service. Vivent Health has successfully integrated telepsychiatry within its medical home model. With two different service delivery methods, this presentation will look at the benefits of telepsychiatry for people with HIV, as well as the unique delivery methods Vivent Health provides in Wisconsin and Colorado.

Learning Objectives

  1. Define telepsychiatry and identify key components.
  2. Learn the effectiveness of telepsychiatry for people with HIV.
  3. Identify two distinct models for providing telepsychiatry.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Innovative System-level Models for HIV Service Delivery

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