An Innovative Rhode Island Quality Approach Using an mHealth Platform Called TAVIE-RED

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Paul Loberti, EZZAT SAFWAT SAAD, Jean-Manassé Theagene

Based on extensive assessments and ongoing input from clients and case managers, the collaborators have developed and deployed a ‘gamified’ version of the TAVIE-RED platform to engage, coach, and provide quality data that is are meaningful to providers. Speakers will present the platform and create an interactive process for participants.

Learning Objectives

  1. Present an innovative mobile health application that was customized for Rhode Island Ryan White Part B clients.
  2. Interpret and explain pre- and post- data from a quality perspective.
  3. Provide interactive experiences so the audience can see and ask questions about the application.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Clinical Quality Management

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