Leveraging Ryan White Program Infrastructure to Achieve Hepatitis C Micro-Elimination for People with HIV/AIDS

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program
Leah Shaw, Marguerite Beiser, Jennifer Brody

Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program will share its innovative approach toward the micro-elimination of Hepatitis C (HCV) for homeless-experienced people with HIV. Team members will share data around cure rates, reinfection, and engaging with marginalized patients, and discuss leveraging existing Ryan White infrastructure and resources for such efforts.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe challenges to achieving micro-elimination of HCV among people with HIV and who are experiencing homelessness.
  2. Recognize population and individual-level strategies to promote successful integration of HCV treatment into a Ryan White HIV program. 3. Identify strategies for leveraging existing Ryan White Program infrastructure to work towards HCV micro-elimination in participants' own programs.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Innovative System-level Models for HIV Service Delivery

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