Supporting and Monitoring Subrecipients to Achieve an Effective CQM Program and Better Outcomes

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Marlene Matosky, LaQuanta Smalley, Jasmine Black, Jamie Shank, Travis Barnhart, Justin Britanik

Recipients determine how subrecipients will contribute to the recipients’ Clinical Quality Management (CQM) program. Recipients will share how to meet the HRSA HAB policy clarification notice (PCN) 15-02 guidance regarding CQM program activity identification for their subrecipients and how to confirm subrecipients have the capacity and resources to contribute to the recipient’s CQM program.

Learning Objectives

  1. Explain how supporting subrecipients can lead to a more effective CQM program.
  2. Describe CQM training and technical assistance provided to subrecipients.
  3. List resources for supporting subrecipients’ CQM activities.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Clinical Quality Management

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