Using Shared Measures among the AQMG to Increase Retention-In-Care among Alabama's Ryan White Clinics

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Montgomery AIDS Outreach, Inc. dba Medical Advocacy and Outreach
Ashley Tarrant

The Alabama Quality Management Group (AQMG) is a consortium of quality leaders representing all Alabama RWHAP Part C and D clinics, over 80% of Alabama's HIV-diagnosed population. Data for Care Alabama (D4C-AL), a CDC-funded retention-in-care project, uses risk-stratification based on missed visits. It is currently being implemented at one site but will continue to be implemented over time.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the formation and structure of the AQMG.
  2. Identify characteristics of organizations where the implementation of the Stay Connected and Retention through Enhanced Personal Contacts interventions would be appropriate.
  3. Discuss initial results of the D4C-AL implementation with respect to clinic-wide no-show rates.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Clinical Quality Management

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