This RWHAP Part F SPNS initiative aimed to link individuals co-infected with HIV and HCV to care by leveraging public health surveillance and clinical data systems. The Yale University School of Medicine was awarded a cooperative agreement to serve as a Technical Assistance Provider for participating jurisdictions: Arizona, Connecticut, Kentucky, Michigan, Puerto Rico, Orange County Florida, and the Southern Nevada Health District. Mission Analytics Group, Inc. served as the project evaluator by documenting jurisdiction approaches and lessons learned and assessing the effectiveness of project activities.
The project involved two major components:
- The creation of HCV clearance cascades: Clearance cascades helped jurisdictions identify gaps in HCV testing and treatment by tracking the movement of individuals with HCV from initial infection to cure (including potential reinfection).
- Outreach and linkage: Related activities focused on creating partnerships between jurisdictions and RWHAP clinics to develop clinic-based case conferencing lists and connect individuals to HCV treatment.
Initiative Products
- Yale School of Medicine
- Mission Analytics Group, Inc.
- Isenberg Consulting
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