The University of California San Francisco, San Francisco General Hospital HIV Clinic developed a care model to enhance access to hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment among people with HIV by co-locating care and creating a multidisciplinary team. Developed as part of the RWHAP Part F SPNS Hepatitis C Treatment Expansion Initiative, this model of care led to a considerable decrease in the number of people with HIV who were coinfected with HCV among the patients served by San Francisco General Hospital during the 2010 and 2011 demonstration years.
Beyond the care continuum
Clinical service delivery model
The CrescentCare Start Initiative is a program of CrescentCare, a Federally Qualified Health Center, and the New Orleans Office of Health Policy. The initiative connects people with newly diagnosed HIV to antiretroviral therapy (ART) through intensive patient navigation and a streamlined intake process. Time between HIV diagnosis and linkage to HIV medical care has decreased from 30 days to only 1.3 days.
Evidence-based intervention
People with a new diagnosis of HIV
Linkage to HIV medical care
Support service delivery model
Yale Community Health Care Van and Clinic, and Liberty Community Services, Inc., empowered clients to set and achieve employment and housing goals, as well as strengthened the ability of community-based organizations to provide related services. This initiative known as Project HERO was implemented between 2017 and 2020 as part of the HIV, Housing, and Employment SPNS initiative.
People who are unstably housed
Retention in HIV medical care; Beyond the care continuum
Support service delivery model
The Oregon Health Authority awarded contracts to local public health authorities across the state to work with community partners to integrate early intervention services and outreach services, link people to HIV care, and provide support to help clients reach viral suppression. Quick linkage to care resulted in a median of 57 days to viral suppression for Early Intervention Services and Outreach clients in 2019.
People with HIV who are not in care; People with undiagnosed HIV
HIV diagnosis; Linkage to HIV medical care
Support service delivery model
University Health uses peers and patient navigators to provide support, reduce barriers, and improve linkage and retention to care for women and youth with HIV. Two peers with lived experience were hired as Outreach Specialists to spearhead the program, encourage medication adherence and use of services, and provide mentoring. The intervention was successful in moderately improving the numbers of clients linked to care, retained in care, and virally suppressed.
Youth ages 13 to 24; Women
Linkage to HIV medical care; Retention in HIV medical care; Viral suppression
Outreach and reengagement activities
The Virginia Commonwealth University implemented a clinical quality improvement project to increase linkage to HIV medical care within 30 days and initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) at the first visit by making “Rapid Access” appointments available each week for people with newly diagnosed HIV.
People with a new diagnosis of HIV; Youth ages 13 to 24
Linkage to HIV medical care
Clinical service delivery model
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Center for Care of Infectious Diseases, Pittsburgh Area Center for Treatment (PACT) began implementing the Food Assistance Program in August 2017 to serve as a supplemental resource for people with HIV receiving care who experience food insecurity. The program helps bridge gaps in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits and monthly food costs while promoting access to healthy foods and retention in HIV care.
People experiencing food insecurity
Retention in HIV medical care; Viral suppression; Beyond the care continuum
Support service delivery model
The AIDS Institute is committed to promoting, monitoring, and supporting the quality of clinical services for people with HIV in New York State. The Adolescent Quality Learning Network (AQLN) is a collaborative of 16 HIV Adolescent/Young Adult Specialized Care Center (SCC) programs. In collaboration with the AIDS Institute, SCC providers selected a quality improvement project aimed to raise viral suppression rates by improving access to mental health services.
Retention in HIV medical care; Viral suppression
Clinical service delivery model
By integrating comprehensive HIV medical care with addiction services and medication protocols for substance use disorder (SUD), clients with HIV and SUD saw improvements in retention in care and viral suppression.
Retention in HIV medical care; Viral suppression
Clinical service delivery model
The Rutgers New Jersey Medical School created a transgender health program and integrated it into their Infectious Disease Practice. The program conducted community outreach to engage transgender men and women in care, trained all staff on gender affirming care, hired transgender staff, provided gender affirming care and hormone treatments onsite, and offered mental health support to patients.
Transgender women; Transgender men
Prescription of antiretroviral therapy; Retention in HIV medical care; Viral suppression
Clinical service delivery model