Stage Four: Monitor the Plan and Make Improvements

Creating an actionable monitoring and improvement plan helps jurisdictions demonstrate success while tracking ongoing barriers or challenges. Monitoring and improvement activities keep the Integrated Plan on track and provide important information to share with stakeholders. Ultimately, achieving plan goals and objectives contribute to improvements in prevention, care, and service delivery for those with HIV and those vulnerable to HIV.

Promising Practices and Tips

  • Monitor and assess implementation of goals, SMART objectives, and projected activities.
  • Update stakeholders on plan implementation and integrate feedback for improvement.
  • Use HIV care continuum data to monitor jurisdictional progress.

Tools and Resources

  • HIV Prevention Program Performance Metrics Tracking Spreadsheet (July 2018). This spreadsheet helps to track performance on HIV prevention program metrics, including PrEP navigation provided, HIV tests administered, condoms distributed, and behavioral interventions applied. The first tab on the spreadsheet provides a dashboard for easy-to-read visuals on each performance metric. This resource was developed by the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Maricopa County Ryan White HIV/AIDS Part A Program.
  • Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan Activities and Task Chart (August 2017). This task chart serves as an example of how to record Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan activities and tasks, with clear assignments and a progress column. Created in partnership with the Houston Area HIV Services Ryan White Planning Council and the IHAP TAC, this tool helps to document and track integration activities.
  • Integrated Plan Dashboard for Progress Reporting (March 2018). This Excel-based tool, created by the Phoenix EMA RWHAP Part A Team, provides a snapshot of progress toward meeting established objectives and can be used to share progress updates with a planning council or other stakeholders.

This resource was developed by

IHAP TA Center

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