Oral Health Training Manual Conclusion: Carrying the Torch Forward

This training manual is just one of several interconnected resources available to providers seeking to enhance their delivery of oral health care for PLWHA. Providers are encouraged to review all of the training materials available on this topic—which include a curriculum, pocket guide, and Webinars—on the IHIP page of the TargetHIV website.

Together, these IHIP materials make it abundantly clear that not only does oral health care play a critical role in overall health of PLWHA, but it also can be delivered through innovative, tailored, and tested models of care. SPNS grantees from all over the country, serving very different populations of PLWHA with varying levels of resources, have given the Ryan White community the gift of proof around what works when it comes to developing an oral health care program for PLWHA—and what doesn’t, which can often be even more important.

Now, however, it’s your turn to carry the torch forward. Put these lessons to work in your own practices and spread the knowledge you’ve gained among your colleagues, partners, and patients.

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