Community Health Worker Supervisor Curriculum

A curriculum for supervisors of Community Health Workers (CHWs). Each module includes objectives, instructions for presenting the module, talking points for the slides, and handouts for participants (exercises related to the module topic).

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • Strategies for Orienting non-CHW Staff
  • Flower Power Worksheet.

Training Slides (PPTX)

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • 101 Ways to Take Care of Yourself and Reduce Stress
  • Examples of Self Talk; My Self-care Contract
  • Ten Things You Can Do to Enhance Your Emotional Well Being if You Are Living with HIV.

Training Slides (PPTX)

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • Relationships and Boundaries in CHW Work
  • Boundary Scenarios.

Training Slides (PPTX)

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • Why Do the Warriors Dominate the 3rd Quarter? Consider Their Halftime Drill
  • Strengths Based Supervision

Training Slides (PPTX)

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • Transference/Countertransference Role Play Script.

Training Slides (PPTX)

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • Rewards and Challenges of Supervising CHWs

Training Slides (PPTX)

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • 8 Tips for Difficult Conversations
  • 10 Phrases That Can Solve Any Work Problem
  • Excerpts from 12 Tips for Handling Difficult Conversations
  • Conflict Resolution Model.

Training Slides (PPTX)

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • Administrative/Supportive Supervision Philosophy
  • Case Studies for Supervision.

Training Slides (PPTX)

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • Mentoring and Supervision for Community Health Workers
  • NCWIT Mentoring-in-a-Box
  • Technical Women at Work Mentoring Basics - A Mentor’s Guide to Success
  • Case Scenarios.

Training Slides (PPTX)

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • Create Your Own Self-Care Wheel.

Training Slides (PPTX)

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • Understanding the Types of Trauma
  • The Personal Resilience Plan

Training Slides (PPTX)

Lesson Plan and Handouts, including:

  • Strategies for Orienting non-CHW Staff
  • Community Health Worker Best Practice Guidelines.

Training Slides (PPTX)

This resource was developed by

Boston University School of Social Work Center for Innovation in Social Work and Health
Community Health Worker Curriculum

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