Guide to Conducting a Virtual Quality Improvement Collaborative

Key steps in implementing a virtual learning collaborative focused on clinical ambulatory care settings and tips for coordinating a successful virtual community of practice.

The multi-part Guide is based on the experience gained during the end+disparities ECHO Collaborative, which was conducted by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) and the HRSA/HAB-supported Center for Quality Improvement & Innovation (CQII). The Guide also presents resources that were used during the end+disparities Collaborative.

Guide Sections

  1. About the end+disparities ECHO Collaborative
  2. Planning
  3. Communications
  4. Collaborative Staff and Faculty
  5. Participant Enrollment
  6. Local Community Partners Improvement Teams and Pre-Work Activities
  7. Using the Zoom Platform
  8. Additional Tools and Resources
  9. Virtual Learning Sessions
  10. Regional Groups
  11. Affinity Groups
  12. Case Presentations
  13. Data Management and Documentation
  14. Documentation of Quality Improvement Projects

This resource was developed by

CQII Center for Quality Improvement and Innovation (CQII)

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