Is Medicare About to Cover PrEP Under Part B?

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Is Medicare going to adopt the practice of private health insurance and start covering PrEP without cost-sharing under Part B medical insurance (e.g., outpatient care, some preventive services)? 

That's to-be-determined, but CMS, the federal agency that administers Medicare, has sent a signal of sorts with issuance of a fact sheet that largely outlines steps for pharmacies and claims processors on administrative handling of PrEP. has prepared a nice summary, CMS Alerts Pharmacies and Healthcare Providers About Potential Medicare Coverage Change for PrEP, with a link to the fact sheet from CMS. 

Update: On June 25, CMS released a FAQ, Preexposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Using Antiretroviral Therapy to Prevent Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection, in response to public feedback asking for more technical information on submission of Medicare Part B claims for PrEP for HIV.

Learn more about PrEP in PrEP Policies and Programs Help End the HIV Epidemic and The ABCDs of Medicare Coverage.

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