Replication Resources: SPNS Systems Linkages and Access to Care

SPNS Systems Linkages Project
Systems Linkage Initiative logo

Insights from a multi-state demonstration and evaluation of innovative models for linkages to and retention in HIV care.

Each site was tasked with designing, implementing, and evaluating innovative strategies to integrate different components of the public health system like:

  • Surveillance
  • Counseling and testing
  • Treatment to create new and effective systems of linkages and retention in care for hard to reach populations who have never been in care
  • Populations that have fallen out of care, or are at-risk for falling out of care 
  • Populations of interest who were at high risk for, and/or infected with, HIV but are unaware of their HIV status 
  • Populations aware of their HIV infection but have never been referred to care, or are aware but have refused referral to care


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