Module 6. Integrated/Comprehensive Planning


This module describes the development and use of an integrated/comprehensive plan that sets multi-year goals and objectives for the EMA or TGA and serves as the foundation for the PC/PB’s annual planning cycle. Plan development, implementation, progress assessment, and updating are a joint effort of the PC/PB and recipient, and the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans for 2017-2021 often reflect collaboration by RWHAP Part A and Part B programs and HIV prevention and care recipients. The module explains the roles played by the PC/PB and other bodies in RWHAP integrated/comprehensive planning.

Content Overview

Materials for this Module

 Module 6: Notes for Trainers
 PowerPoint Slides: Integrated/Comprehensive Planning
 Activity 6.1: Quick Discussions to Apply Knowledge
 Activity 6.2: Committee Responsibilities for Implementing a Joint Integrated/Comprehensive Plan
 Activity 6.3: Using Your Plan
 Quick Reference Handout 6.1: Localizing a Joint Integrated/Comprehensive Plan
 Folleto de referencia rápida 6.1: Localización de un plan integrado/completo conjunto

For More Information

Additional Resources

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A Manual

Other Online Resources

This resource was developed by

Planning CHATT

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