This module describes the development and use of an integrated/comprehensive plan that sets multi-year goals and objectives for the EMA or TGA and serves as the foundation for the PC/PB’s annual planning cycle. Plan development, implementation, progress assessment, and updating are a joint effort of the PC/PB and recipient, and the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans for 2017-2021 often reflect collaboration by RWHAP Part A and Part B programs and HIV prevention and care recipients. The module explains the roles played by the PC/PB and other bodies in RWHAP integrated/comprehensive planning.
Content Overview
Materials for this Module
For More Information
Additional Resources
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A Manual
Other Online Resources
- Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning Technical Assistance Center (IHAP TAC) is a cooperative agreement that supports RWHAP Part A and Part B, and HIV prevention recipients and planning bodies, with integrating their planning, including implementation and monitoring of Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans. The IHAP website includes materials, among them:
- An Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Online Resource Guide
- Roles and Responsibilities for Prevention and Care Planning Bodies and Integrated Planning
- A Directory of Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans, with links to publicly available 2017-2021 plans
- Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan Guidance, including the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need, CY 2022-2026: June 2021 Guidance from CDC and HRSA HAB on development of the first Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans.