Addressing Disparities Using Quality Improvement to Make Measurable Differences: Experiences From the End+Disparities ECHO Collaborative

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
New York State Department of Health, AIDS Institute, Center for Quality Improvement and Innovation (CQII)
Jennifer Lee, Charles Kolesar, Mulamba Lunda, Marcee Kerr, Jamie Roques, Shannon Morris

In this interactive workshop, participants will learn real-world strategies to effectively apply quality improvement methodologies to mitigate HIV disparities. Workshop attendees will be introduced to the end+disparities ECHO Collaborative, the largest virtual community of practice of its kind. A panel of presenters will share their improvement interventions combating health disparities.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe quality improvement interventions conducted by RWHAP recipients to work toward ending disparities in HIV care.
  2. Identify disparities in HIV care using the CQII-developed Disparities Calculator.
  3. Exchange ideas with other recipients on how to engage other stakeholders in local jurisdictions to end disparities.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Clinical Quality Management

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