Utilizing Program Income and Community Partnerships to Address Challenges of Poverty in the Deep South

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Mary Frances Spitler, Kathy Gaddis, Laterica Williams, Kris Hauenstein

This session will outline establishment of community partnerships and implementation of housing, nutrition, and substance use treatment programs. It will detail contract development between the presenters’ clinic and community partners and outline how, following policy clarification notice (PCN) 16-02 guidance on allowable uses of program income, community partners are reimbursed in support of these programs.

Learning Objectives

  1. Establish relationships with community partners who are working in your clinic’s area.
  2. Create programs through collaborative partnerships to address the complex needs of patients.
  3. Develop contracts with community partners to support initiatives using program funding.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
RWHAP Planning and Resource Allocation: Community Engagement and Collaborative Partnerships

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