Keeping Track of Medicaid and Medicare: CMS Roundup


Over 50% of the people with HIV in the U.S. are older than 50. Treatment works. Medicare is therefore taking on a growing role as a health coverage payer. Additionally, Medicaid remains the primary payer for HIV care given the disproportionate impact of HIV among lower income populations. 

As such, keeping track of developments in Medicare and Medicaid (via the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) is increasingly important for HIV care agencies. The July 12 CMS Roundup is a case-in-point as it features a number of initiatives involving Medicaid and Medicare innovations as well as other Affordable Care Act programs.

For example, the CMs Roundup from July 12 highlights the Making Care Primary (MCP) Model, the next phase of a demonstration payer model. The next phase is underway in eight states, in coordination with state Medicaid programs. A number of participant sites are also funded by HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP).

See Medicare Coverage tools from the HRSA-funded ACE TA Center.

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