Training Guide for RWHAP Part A Planning Councils/Planning Bodies: A Member’s First Planning Cycle

The Training Guide is designed to help planning councils/planning bodies (PC/PB) conduct orientation and ongoing training to prepare members to participate fully in RWHAP Part A planning and decision making.

Composed of ten modules (including trainer notes, presentation slides, experiential activities and quick reference handouts), the Training Guide makes it quicker and easier to develop engaging, effective and interactive training sessions for PC/PB members. Trainers can select and customize training materials from the Training Guide to meet their jurisdiction’s needs.

Training Guide Modules

What Every Member Should Know about the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP)

Participating in Your First Planning Cycle as a RWHAP Part A PC/PB Member

Successful PC/PB Operations, Group Process, and Decision Making

This resource was developed by

EGM Consulting LLC Planning CHATT

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