ACE TA Center: Evaluation and Needs Assessment

The ACE TA Center conducts periodic needs assessments and evaluation efforts with Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) recipients and subrecipients in order to better understand their ongoing and emerging TA needs and capacity, and guide future technical assistance and training offerings toward promoting health care access. 

2023 Needs Assessment

From January to March 2023, the ACE TA Center invited Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) recipients and subrecipients to share their successes and challenges in helping people with HIV get enrolled in health coverage including Medicare, Medicaid, Marketplace and other individual insurance.

The 2023 ACE TA Center Needs Assessment also gathered information related to Medicaid unwinding and provided an opportunity to understand how this process has impacted their capacity to keep clients engaged in health coverage.

Download the 2023 ACE TA Center Needs Assessment findings

ACE TA Center Webinars 

The ACE TA Center gathers feedback from webinar participants and reviews audience characteristics in order to improve the content and delivery of future webinars and technical assistance. The following graphic highlights some of the evaluation results from webinars conducted between July 2019 and June 2022.

Webinars, by the numbers graphic


ace ta center webinar satisfaction

What people are saying about the ACE TA Center

“I do appreciate all the information and clarification provided at these seminars, I never miss one. I always come away with new information I can utilize at work. Thanks for that.” 

"This has been the most important and informative webinar I have watched since I became a navigator in 2013."

“I have clients who were on Medicaid and are now age 65 asking questions that I better have answers to. I will utilize ACE website as a continued resource."

“This was a great webinar. Very helpful and high quality. Very good job to the organizers and presenters.”

2019 Needs Assessment

In 2019, the ACE TA Center conducted its fourth needs assessment. RWHAP recipients and subrecipients were invited to share their successes and challenges in: (1) engaging and enrolling clients in health coverage, including Medicare, Medicaid, Marketplace, and other individual insurance, (2) helping clients use their health coverage, and (3) building clients’ health literacy. 

2017 Needs Assessment

In 2017, the ACE TA Center conducted its third needs assessment. Similar to the 2015 needs assessment, RWHAP recipients and subrecipients were invited to share their successes and challenges in: (1) providing health literate services and helping clients better obtain, process, and understand health information, and (2) helping their clients get enrolled in health coverage.

2015 Needs Assessment

In 2015, the ACE TA Center conducted its second needs assessment. RWHAP recipients and subrecipients were invited to share their successes and challenges in: (1) providing health literate services and helping clients better obtain, process, and understand health information, and (2) helping their clients get enrolled in health coverage.

2013 Needs Assessment

The ACE TA Center conducted its initial needs assessment with RWHAP recipients and subrecipients in 2013, during the first Marketplace Open Enrollment period.