ACE TA Center: Webinars

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The ACE TA Center hosts a variety of information sharing and training webinars to build the capacity of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) managers, staff, and enrollment assisters to engage, support, and enroll RWHAP clients in health coverage. The webinars feature presenters from national, state, and community organizations who are experts in health policy, health care access, HIV, and the RWHAP.

Archived Webinars

View the ACE TA Center’s archived webinars by topic area.

Engaging and Enrolling Clients

New Staff Training

Preparing for Open Enrollment

  • What You Need to Know About Medicare and Marketplace: Enrollment Considerations for 2025 (September 25, 2024)
    Learn the key changes to the health coverage landscape for the 2025 plan year as clients prepare for both Marketplace and Medicare open enrollment periods. Presenters share an overview of considerations relevant to the Medicare and Marketplace open enrollment periods as well as an update on the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement unwinding.


  • The Basics of Medicare Eligibility for RWHAP Clients (February 13, 2024) 
    In part one of this webinar series, learn about Medicare eligibility and the enrollment pathways for people with HIV. Presenters describe each of the parts of Medicare (A, B, C, and D) and what they cover, the differences between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage, and Medicare prescription drug coverage.
  • Medicare Enrollment and Coverage for RWHAP Clients (February 27, 2024)
    In part two of this webinar series, learn best practices for providing Medicare enrollment support, common enrollment challenges, and penalties associated with Medicare enrollment. Presenters describe how RWHAPs can work with their State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIP) to provide enrollment assistance to clients, how staff can become certified SHIP counselors, and how the Medicare Savings Program and Extra Help program can provide financial help.
  • Medicare-Medicaid Dual Eligibility for RWHAP Clients (March 12, 2024)
    In the third and final installment of this webinar series, learn about the basics of Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility for RWHAP clients, including health coverage considerations for clients and best practices.
  • Navigating Medicare Changes in 2025: What to Expect Moving Forward (October 29, 2024)
    Learn about the upcoming changes impacting Medicare Part D enrollees, including the $2,000 cap on out-of-pocket costs and the upcoming implementation of the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (MPPP). Presenters from the ACE TA Center and NASTAD walk through considerations for RWHAP recipients and subrecipients to ensure their clients understand these changes and know how to access important new protections. Finally, presenters discuss the impacts of the MPPP on revenue generation for RWHAP ADAPs. 


  • Navigating Medicaid Continuous Coverage Unwinding for RWHAP Clients (March 14th, 2023)
    Due to the end of the Medicaid Continuous Coverage requirement, state Medicaid programs will begin conducting Medicaid eligibility reviews for all enrollees in February, March, or April 2023. Presenters from the ACE TA Center, along with experts from Killelea Consulting LLC and the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, provide an overview of Medicaid unwinding, including how RWHAP case managers and program staff can help people with HIV navigate the unwinding process, re-enroll in Medicaid or transition to other coverage, and avoid gaps in coverage and care.
  • Medicaid 101 for RWHAP Recipients and Providers (February 14, 2023)
    Learn the role Medicaid plays in care and treatment for people with HIV. Presenters explain how the Medicaid program works in tandem with the RWHAP to support continuity of care and access to medication.
  • See also: Medicare-Medicaid Dual Eligibility for RWHAP Clients (March 12, 2024)