Best Practices Approaches 100

Best Practices Compilation badge

There are, as of February 6, 2024, a total of 98 HIV care interventions in HRSA's Best Practices Compilation, which houses interventions with demonstrated effectiveness at improving client health outcomes. 

Each intervention undergoes review to assess inclusion in the Compilation, which is drawn from a pipeline of HRSA-funded interventions from SPNS research and demonstration projects and other special initiatives. In addition, interventions from the field are also included in the Compilation.

The most recent additions are:

  • Kern County Rapid ART learns about newly diagnosed individuals via emergency departments and other testing sites and links these clients to antiretroviral treatment within 2.35 days, on average. Clients are re-engaged into care and an ART prescription within 1.07 days. 
  • +LOVE is a New Orleans case management and behavioral health project focused on Black gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Clients who accessed behavioral health services were 2-3 times more likely to remain engaged in HIV care over 6-12 months, when compared to those using only case management services. 

+LOVE is one of the demonstration projects under the HRSA SPNS Behavioral Health Models to Improve HIV Health Outcomes for Black Men Who Have Sex With Men.

  • Clínica Bienestar uses a mix of case management, primary care, and harm reduction services for Puerto Rican residents of Philadelphia who inject drugs, some of whom travel between Puerto Rico and the U.S. Compared to overall Philadelphia client data, Clínica Bienestar clients have much higher rates of retention in care and viral suppression.

Clínica Bienestar is one of the demonstration sites of the SPNS Latino Access Initiative, summarized in Culturally Appropriate Interventions of Outreach, Access and Retention among Latino/a Populations Initiative: Intervention Monographs.

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