Webinars on Demand: Medicare and Medicare-Medicaid Dual Eligibility for RWHAP Clients


From the ACE TA Center Listserv

In February and March 2024, the ACE TA Center hosted three webinars covering Medicare and Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility for RWHAP clients. The webinars featured our core content, as well as new and updated information on recent changes that shorten Medicare enrollment waiting periods and expand Special Enrollment Periods (SEP) options, including to those no longer eligible for Medicaid.

Thank you to all who attended, including RWHAP program managers, case managers, navigators, and other staff that conduct outreach, benefits counseling, and enrollment activities. You can now watch these webinars on demand to revisit important topics and train new staff! Each webinar covers a distinct topic area and includes knowledge checks to enforce key concepts. Presenters also share ACE TA Center tools on Medicare and Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility.

The Basics of Medicare Eligibility for RWHAP Clients

  • Who is eligible for Medicare and how people can enroll
  • The different Medicare parts
  • The role of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program in supporting clients with Medicare costs

Medicare Enrollment and Coverage for RWHAP Clients

  • External Medicare enrollment supports
  • How to identify and manage common Medicare enrollment challenges
  • Sources of financial assistance for Medicare costs

Medicare-Medicaid Dual Eligibility for RWHAP Clients

  • Eligibility criteria for Medicare and Medicaid
  • Health coverage considerations for RWHAP clients who are dually eligible
  • Best practices for helping dually eligible clients enroll in health coverage
  • Financial assistance options
  • Sources of enrollment support for RWHAP case managers and program administrators

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