August 25, 2016 These presentations are from the Healthcare Landscape Track. Supporting Files Mapping Global HIV Capacity Development to the HIV Care Continuum: The International AETC Experience - Reyes Achieving an AIDS-Free Generation: ICAP’S Global Nurse Capacity Building Program - Khanyola The ACA’s Impact on Planning, Prioritizing, and Allocating Resources - Johnson Ryan White Provider Experiences & the ACA - Dawson When Business as Usual isn’t Good Business - Kolesar Moving from Integrated to Unified Planning in the Memphis TGA - Oglesby Intersection of RW Services & ACA: Changes and Challenges - Gorosh Impact of the Affordable Care Act on the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program - Costa Identifying and Assessing Business Model Adoption for HIV Program Sustainability - Tonelli Part A Waiver Requests Trends and Policy Considerations - Cook Three Approaches for Transforming Practice to Optimize HIV Care - Steward Establishing Winnable Communities of Readiness via Literacy, Conversation, and HIV Client Centered Care - Coleman Establishing Winnable Communities of Readiness via Literacy, Conversation, and HIV Client Centered Care - Ogleton The Identity Crisis of the Medical Case Manager - Downs Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for HHS Awards, 45 CFR 75 - Worrell Meeting and Understanding the Eligible Scope Reporting Requirement - Grier Medicaid/CHIP and Medicare Rules: What’s New and Relevant for HIV Stakeholders? - Cornejo Building HIV Capacity in Primary Care and Integrating HIV Care within Federally Qualified Health Centers - Bromer Building HIV Capacity in Primary Care and Integrating HIV Care within Federally Qualified Health Centers - Boehler Valuing Medicaid Participation in Louisiana Ryan White Quality Initiatives in the wake of Medicaid Expansion - Warren Fiscal Responsiveness and Accountability in a Time of Change – Rupert Retreat for Progress: Ryan White Part B and C Program Collaboration, Integration, and Sustainability – Hanson Getting Ready for Open Enrollment – Powers The connection between tax filing and health coverage- what does it mean for Ryan White Programs? - Costello Aligning the RWHAP Policy with the Health Care Landscape: A Review of Select Policy Clarification Notices - Jorstad Allowable Uses of Funds of RWHAP Funds: A Closer Look at the Updated Service Categories - Cavanaugh Making the Most of Your Patient Centered Medical Home: Guidance & Best Practices: McMahon,Precht,Jacob Creating New Opportunities for Delivering HIV Prevention, Care, and Management Services to Insured Populations - Hidalgo Examination of Quality Improvement Methodology&Health Insurance Access in a Low-Incidence State - Durzy, Cullinan, McPhee Understanding Essential Community Provider Requirements of the ACA and the Implications for Ryan White Programs - Conner Closing gaps in the Continuum By Employing Certified HIV Peer Navigators: Kahl, Harriman ADAPs’ Optimization of Client Health Outcomes in an Evolving Health Care Landscape - Bowes Impact of the Affordable Care Act on the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program - Klein Improving Continuum of Care Outcomes in the American Indian/Alaska Native Population: Webb, Friend Changes in the Louisiana ADAP Model in an ACA-resistant and non-Medicaid Expansion State - Wright Part of Collection 2016 Ryan White Conference: Slides Developed by HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) On This Page We'd like your feedback Was this page helpful? No Yes I found this page helpful because the content on the page: Check all that apply Had the information I needed Was presented in a user-friendly format Was trustworthy Was up-to-date Was written clearly I did not find this page helpful because the content on the page: Check all that apply Had too little information Had too much information Was confusing Was out-of-date Was poorly formatted Other reason or comment Please include an email address if you would like a response Other comment or reason Please include an email address if you would like a response Did you use this approach in your work? Yes Not yet No If yes, would you be willing to share your experience using the information from this profile in your work with the Best Practices team? Please leave your name and contact information below. Not yet because I am still gathering information and have not made a decision yet I plan to use this approach in my work but have not started implementation yet Other comment or reason Enter other… If no, why not? Not relevant to my program Not relevant to my service population Had too little information to replicate the approach Other comment or reason Enter other… Leave this field blank
Mapping Global HIV Capacity Development to the HIV Care Continuum: The International AETC Experience - Reyes
Establishing Winnable Communities of Readiness via Literacy, Conversation, and HIV Client Centered Care - Coleman
Establishing Winnable Communities of Readiness via Literacy, Conversation, and HIV Client Centered Care - Ogleton
Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for HHS Awards, 45 CFR 75 - Worrell
Building HIV Capacity in Primary Care and Integrating HIV Care within Federally Qualified Health Centers - Bromer
Building HIV Capacity in Primary Care and Integrating HIV Care within Federally Qualified Health Centers - Boehler
Valuing Medicaid Participation in Louisiana Ryan White Quality Initiatives in the wake of Medicaid Expansion - Warren
Retreat for Progress: Ryan White Part B and C Program Collaboration, Integration, and Sustainability – Hanson
The connection between tax filing and health coverage- what does it mean for Ryan White Programs? - Costello
Aligning the RWHAP Policy with the Health Care Landscape: A Review of Select Policy Clarification Notices - Jorstad
Making the Most of Your Patient Centered Medical Home: Guidance & Best Practices: McMahon,Precht,Jacob
Creating New Opportunities for Delivering HIV Prevention, Care, and Management Services to Insured Populations - Hidalgo
Examination of Quality Improvement Methodology&Health Insurance Access in a Low-Incidence State - Durzy, Cullinan, McPhee
Understanding Essential Community Provider Requirements of the ACA and the Implications for Ryan White Programs - Conner