Module 4. Needs Assessment


To familiarize Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part A planning council/planning body (PC/PB) members and interested non-members with the purposes, importance, components, and processes of needs assessment. This module provides the information needed for active involvement in the needs assessment process by individuals with little or no prior experience in community planning or community-based research.

Content Overview

Materials for this Module

 Module 4: Notes for Trainers

Understanding Needs Assessment

 PowerPoint Slides 4.1: Needs Assessment Overview
 Activity 4.1: Needs Assessment Overview Mini-Activities
 PowerPoint Slides 4.2: Needs Assessment Data Provided by Recipient
 Activity 4.2: Needs Assessment Data Provided by Recipient Mini-Activities
 PowerPoint Slides 4.3: Needs Assessment Components for PC/PB Implementation
 Activity 4.3: Needs Assessment Components for PC/PB Implementation Mini-Activities
 Quick Reference Handout 4.1: Needs Assessment—Putting the Pieces Together
 Folleto de referencia rápida 4.1: Evaluación de necesidades – Uniendo las piezas

Implementing Needs Assessment

 PowerPoint Slides 4.4: Implementing Needs Assessment
 Activity 4.4: Outlining a Needs Assessment Work Plan
 Quick Reference Handout 4.2: Multi-Year Needs Assessment Plan
 Folleto de referencia rápida 4.2: Ejemplo de un plan plurianual de evaluación de necesidades preparado por un Comité de Evaluación de Necesidades del PC/PB

For More Information

Additional Resources

This resource was developed by

Planning CHATT

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