RSR Training Materials

For TA and training resources that meet your needs, click on the person who best describes your role and level of experience:

New to the Ryan White Program and the RSR: I was just put in charge of my organization’s annual RSR. This will be my first time submitting one, and I’m not even sure what an RSR is, never mind where to start. I’d like an overview of the submission process, how to get started, and who to go to for help.

Experienced Submitter with Data Quality Issues: I submitted the RSR last year, but I had some issues with data quality. I don’t know where to find my Completeness Report or how to look at it to find the items that could be improved. I’d also like some tips on how to analyze my data all year long, so there are no surprises upon upload.

IT Staff Member: I’m the IT person responsible for creating the RSR client-level data file. I’d like to know my options for creating this file and its technical specifications, including what goes into the encrypted Unique Client Identifier (eUCI).

New to the RSR

  • Overview of HRSAs EHBs for Recipients
    This presentation introduces grant recipients and subrecipients to the EHBs and includes topics such as system registration, navigation, and general functions within EHBs.
  • How to Complete the RSR Recipient Report Using the GCMS
    This session provided step-by-step instructions for completing the RSR Grantee Report, including modifying contracts using the GCMS. Grantees obtained an understanding of the RSR workflow process.

Experienced Submitter with Data Quality Issues

  • Data Quality: Why it Matters
    This video presents the difference between data quality and program quality and why data quality matters.
  • RSR Data: Are They Complete? Are They Right? Do They Reflect Your Program?
    This RSR in Focus document presents tips for analyzing your RSR data quality.
  • RSR Check Your XML Feature
    In this webinar, presenters review the Check Your XML Feature tool available to grant recipients that allows them to check client-level data quality prior to submission.
  • Data Validations for Client-Level Data
    This document provides a summary of the RSR validation checks, including detail on what triggers an Error, Warning, or Alert during the data validation process.
  • Annual RSR Data Validations
    This document provides information on the data validations for each data element, including the types of notifications you could receive in the data upload process, a description of the notifications, HAB’s approval status of the validation notification, and the rationale for it.
  • Prepping for the RSR Submission: Key Steps for High Quality Data
    This webinar is specifically for anyone new to the RSR, or for those that need a refresher. Included are key steps to help ensure people are reporting high-quality data in the RSR.
  • RSR Data Completeness Rates
    Charts show improvements in completeness of data reported by RWHAP grant recipients, measured by known rates for client demographics and clinical information.
  • TRAX for the RSR
    TRAX is an Excel template that is pre-populated with drop down menus and conditional formatting to help you validate your data prior to importing it into TRAX.

IT Staff Member

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team

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