Ryan White Conference Database Expands


A searchable database is now available to access slides and videos from HRSA Ryan White Conferences stretching back to 2020. The TargetHIV Conference Presentations collection of nearly 600 workshops (under the Videos & Slides tab) and dozens of posters (Posters tab) can be searched:

  • Using the open search field.
  • Selecting from the drop down menu to explore sessions by dozens of topics (e.g., data utilization, MSM, needs assessment, program income).
  • By specific conferences. 

The National Ryan White Conferences webpage, which houses the database, also includes pre-2020 materials along with blogs and videos spanning 2006-2022.

What You Will Find

Each session in the Conference Presentations comes with a description, video, and corresponding slides, like this session from the 2022 National Ryan White Conference : Working with Emergency Departments to End the HIV Epidemic.

Posters Too

Posters from the 2020 and 2022 National Ryan White Conferences can also be found in the database. And, for the first time, the 2022 Conference presented posters with video summaries, like Trends, Patterns, and Factors Associated with HIV Coinfection Among Male Syphilis Cases, 2014-2019, Hawaii. (Reminder: select the Posters tab above Search by Keyword.)